A smart wallclock with Spotify integration
What is SuperWallClock?
SuperWallClock was a monitor and Raspberry Pi combo that could be hung on a wall. The monitor would display a clock, the weather using OpenWeatherMap, and the current Spotify song playing.
The hardware of SuperWallClock was built with a flat LG montior, a Raspberry Pi 3B, and some scrap wood from my schools shop that I ripped down with a saw and hot glued to the frame of the monitor.
The software was made in plain HTML/CSS/JS because it was simple enough to not need any frameworks, and since i’m a web dev, I don’t know python. The software runs a check every 15 seconds (i think) and polls spotify to see if theres any song play, and if there is, it will show the title, album, and the album cover of the song. If not, it will check again in another 15 seconds.
The scrap wood i cut was hot glued and taped onto the bezels of the monitor. In hindsight, i wish i found a better way to mount the wood on there, because the wood kept breaking off.
Not a very interesting projext, but it gave me something to do