Unnamed smart glasses

My only project that i’d say truly failed, so hard that I didn’t even name it!

What was “unnamed smart glasses” and why did it fail?

There’s not much to say here, these unnamed smart glasses were simalar to NREAL Air glasses. The glasses were going to feature a micro-display and lens that would fire onto a piece of glass in front of your eye so you could see it. This design has lots of problems

  1. The case was so flimsy. I wish I had a resin printer so I could have made it more durable that it was, but I dont have one.
  2. There was barely any space/I’m not a good designer. I can model, but i’m not good at design. The case design was just way too small, so it would have been impossible to make it work without even more custom parts, which means more design, so on and so forth.
  3. I broke the display. This was the part that just make me stop. The micro display uses a JST-PH conncector to connect video, power, and other I/O to the display. I was being, admittedly, careless, and ended up ripping a crucial wire out of the connector. I had thought it would be ok, since JST-PH is a widely used standard. It turned out to not be ok at all when i couldnt find the right size for the life of me. The whole project ended up getting canned when I started focusing on Frantic Group.

Overall, if I had a month to sit down and really get it right, ill bet I could make it somewhat decent. But, I have other priotities, and I probably wouldn’t have a use for it anyways now.

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